Combine a Lazy Jacks with a single line reffing kit and a battcar system for the ultimate in easy mainsail handling. Lazy Jacks work especially well on boats with fully battened mainsails but can be used with conventional sails as well. Having Lazy Jacks on your boat will allow you to more easily enjoy your boat, with less need for an experienced crew. First used on oyster dredging boats in the Chesapeake Bay, lazy jacks have become a popular mainsail handling tool on cruising boats of all sizes. If you are sailing singlehanded or with a limited crew, a lazy jack system allows for quick flaking of the sail as the halyard is dropped. Do you find yourself frequently sailing with your headsail only when sailing short-handed? Install a Harken or Schaefer lazy jack kit on your boat to allow for a quick and easy reefing system for your mainsail.